Yesterday I met up with some running friends again at the track and as we were cooling down, they started talking to me about triathlons. I have thought about doing one for a long time. I need to just DO IT! My parents have a pool, I have a bike and I know I can run....Now, I just need to find a good beginner one.
This weeks runs:
Monday: 5.3 miles
Tuesday: 6.1 miles
Wednesday: 7.3 miles
Thursday: 1.25 mile warm up, 11x400 meters (1:20-1:26 pace with 60 second rest), 1 mile cool down
So, this is your secret life website!! LOL!! You make me smile. I am glad that you love running so much. I am very proud of you-you seem to do it all-a good wife-a great mother-the best daughter-and you can run really fast! Go you! I Love you!