Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ode to the track...

Dear track:
Thanks for kicking my butt today. I hated and loved every minute of it.

1 mile warm up; 6x800 meters (3:00-3:04 pace with two minutes rest), 2x400 meters (1:26 pace with one minute rest in between), 1 mile cool down

My legs were still tired from the Wasatch Back race but I know they'll feel better after today...kickin some lactic acid baby!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wasatch Back 2010

I was lucky enough to run the Wasatch Back relay race this past weekend. It is a 190 mile race from Logan, UT to Park City, UT. You run as a team of 12 people (6 people in two vans). You run there is always someone running (even at 3:00 in the morning). It was the funnest race I've ever done. I LOVED IT! I was runner #9 in Van 2...(if that means anything to anyone!) My leg distances and times were: 3.5 miles (22 minutes), 9.6 miles (68 minutes), and 3.6 miles STRAIGHT UP gain 1,463 feet (38 minutes).

I made a blog for our team, so here is the link if you want to check out our pictures.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here we go...

This week is the's time for the Wasatch Back! I'm super excited to be running with some awesome peps! I am runner #9 which means I have one of the hardest legs of the race! Not to mention a 9.6 mile leg that will be run in the early hours of the morning. But I can totally do it. I'm stoked! I also get a nice 24 hour vacation from the kids...ha ha! Thanks to my sweet husband for making this race possible.

Ok Ragnar...BRING IT!