I recently cleaned and organized the family office. I found all my old medals from races going back to my high school days! So I decided to make a brag wall for myself. Looking at it everyday makes me even more motivated to run and run well. My most favorite medals are hung in the middle: My 2005 Salt Lake Marathon medal and my 2 ALS 5K winner medals. Those mean the most to me.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I'm already excited for next summer
I can't wait for the summer! I am planning on running the Wasatch Back Relay with my best friend and some other cool peeps...
The Deseret News 10k and a 1/2 marathon.
I can't wait to shave my legs, wear spandex and a sports bra.
Too bad it's only the end of November...I've got a long time to wait.
On a brighter note, I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving and beat a girl who currently runs for UVU! I came in 2nd but I think I really came in first and that the race directors made a mistake. Oh well...I ran a 20:10 (6:29 pace). The 5K was straight uphill the first mile and then flat and hilly afterwards and my legs were freezing! I wanted to go under 20:00 but it's all good. I wasn't really training for it so I'm happy with 6:29 pace! :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Summer 2009
I kicked my butt this summer...and it felt awesome! Here are my stats:
Races: I ran (4) 5K's and was able to shave over a minute off my first races' time to the last.
(1) 10K and just about went under 40:00.
Long runs: (1) 12 miler
(1) 11 miler
(3) 10 milers
(2) 9 milers
*I'm not sure how many 7 & 8 milers I did but I'm guessing about (5).
I ran at least (2) 10K's a week
Speed: I was at the track at least once a week doing 400's, 800's, 1200's and 1600's. My average speed for my 400's was about 1:25.
Now that it is Fall, I've decided to cut back on my training. Start doing some slower longer runs. My average pace over the summer has been right at 7:00 minute miles and I think I'm gonna slow it down to 7:20-7:30 pace. I'm not really training for anything so I'm just going to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather. This summer has been great though. I feel like I'm in really good shape! I even got my six pack back!
BUT...to say goodbye to summer and summer training, I kicked my butt at the track today and did 12x4oo meters at 1:25 pace (with a minute rest). It was great.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"I eat hamburgers all the time!!"

I will explain the picture in just a minute.... This past weekend I ran the Swiss Days 10K with my awesome mother and father-in-law. It was such a great race with cool weather and a beautiful course up in Midway. I had never run a 10K race before so I wasn't really sure how I'd do. My goal was come in under 40:00 and my official time was 40:00.3! So I missed my goal by .3 of a second! Dang! LOL! But I did take first overall for the women's which was cool. Bruce took 5th in his age group and Ronda did a great job and finished in style (she's one hot lady!!!)
So to explain the picture and title of this blog entry....after I finished my race, I ran back to meet up with Bruce and help him finish. Well, as we were running the last 1/2 mile together, some girl who we had just passed yells at me, "Hey skinny, why don't you try eating a hamburger and steak sometime huh?" I had my headphones in my ears so I'm sure she thought I wouldn't hear her but I didn't have my music playing at the time so I heard her loud and clear! So I whipped my head around and said, " I eat hamburgers all the time!" She looked horrified and I just smiled and finished the race with Bruce. Some nerve huh? Usually people are so cool and nice during a race because we are all there to push ourselves and finish strong. Well, after the race was over, she came up to me and apologized. She felt really bad and she said she was jealous that I was so thin. I told her that I hear comments like that all the time and that I eat a ton! I told her I have been training hard this summer trying to get back in shape after having my second baby. She did feel bad and I'm glad she apologized but come on....have some class people.
I wanted to tell her that I also pumped 8 oz. of breast milk before the race and was wondering if she had any cool super powers like me!? I'm sure she didn't....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
You spell tough...D-O-U-B-L-E J-O-G-G-E-R!
So all is well in the double jogger department...LOVE IT! It's so nice to have them both in the stroller and not worry about one running away or having to carry the other. It also means that on those days where Bryant is too busy that I can run with the kids! Today was our first outing and it was great! They loved it! I took them to the JR parkway trail. I only did a 5K but man, it was tough! I figured that I was pushing around 75 lbs! It was a great workout to say the least.
Monday: 6 mile bike ride up Temple Quarry Trail
Tuesday: 6.1 miles, 43:00, Average 7:05 pace
Wednesday: 3.1 miles, 23:30, Average 7:20 pace
Friday, August 14, 2009
Awesome Deal
I was on KSL yesterday and saw an ad from a lady in Orem. She has a Kelty double jogging stroller that she wants to trade for a nice single jogging stroller so I called and she is going to trade it with me!!! How awesome is that? I don't have to spend a dime on a new stroller! Kelty is a great brand and I've done some research on this specific one and it retails for over $420!!! I'm super excited!
Monday: 5.1 miles, 35:35, Average 7:05 miles
Tuesday: 4 miles at the track; 1 mile warm up, 2x800 (2:55) 1:30 rest, 4x400 (1:25) 1:00 rest, 1 mile cool down
Thursday: 6.1 miles 46:00 (I ran with the jogger!) Average 7:35 miles
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Anyone? Anyone?
This is my jogging stroller. It has been awesome and I have loved it so much. But it's time to upgrade to a double (since I have two kiddos now). I've posted this on KSL with no luck over the past few days. So if anyone knows anyone who needs a nice jogger, let me know! I got it for $170 last year so I'm asking $90 for it since it's basically brand new!
Today's run was awesome! I ran from my house all the way up to the top of 4500 south and Wasatch Blvd. That is 6.5 miles straight uphill! It kicked my trash! I loved it! Then I had a nice downhill for the last 5.1 miles. I was able to keep all the uphill around 8:00 miles and the down 7:00 miles.
11.6 miles, 1 hr. 29 min., Average 7:40 pace
Monday, August 3, 2009
Feeling good!
Once again I am late in posting my recent runs, but last Thursday was great at the track! I did a 400, 800, 1200, 800, 400, 800, 400 at 1:27 pace with one minute rest. It was super tough but awesome and I felt really strong.
On Saturday I didn't think I would fit a run in because we had a busy day but I found time to go hit the pipeline trail up Millcreek canyon. It was super hot but always enjoyable. A nice easy 10K at 7:30 pace.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
So I have been slacking on updating this blog. I'm sure all two of you have been very disappointed :). I have been running just not blogging about it. The past few weeks I've been taking it easy. Running about 4-5 times a week and getting between 25-30 miles in. Last Thursday I ran 8x400's and 2x200's with the group at the track in 100 degree weather! It sucked and was super hard but felt good once I got into my air conditioned car. I did 10 miles again on Saturday before the sun came up and it was magical....I love those quiet Saturday mornings.
As for the future...I am planning on running a 10k the first weekend of September and a 5k September 19th for ALS. We are hoping to get Bryant's mom up here from Spanish Fork so she can be a part of it as well.
Here's to the pain and joy of running!!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009

Yesterday I met up with some running friends again at the track and as we were cooling down, they started talking to me about triathlons. I have thought about doing one for a long time. I need to just DO IT! My parents have a pool, I have a bike and I know I can run....Now, I just need to find a good beginner one.
This weeks runs:
Monday: 5.3 miles
Tuesday: 6.1 miles
Wednesday: 7.3 miles
Thursday: 1.25 mile warm up, 11x400 meters (1:20-1:26 pace with 60 second rest), 1 mile cool down
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I did it! I ran the 5K this morning in 19:35!!! I took 3rd overall in the women's! It felt so good to be that fast again.
Who says that mom's can't be fast ;)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I love where I live
Friday, June 26, 2009
Barf, Friends and Joy!
These are pretty random things...I know. But they are all things I've experienced in the past week. I was lucky enough to get food poisoning last Thursday and that's where the BARF comes in. Then, one of my BFF's was able to hang out with me pretty much all day on Tuesday and it was great. She even watched my kids while Bryant and I worked out in the yard. She is the BEST! Then, at the track last night I made about six new runner FRIENDS and had a great workout. Thus, I experienced JOY.
Here is a summary of this week's runs:
Monday: 4.5 miles, 32: 25, Average 7:12 miles
Tuesday: 6.5 miles, 46:46, Average 7:14 miles
Thursday: 3 miles (morning)
1 mile warm up, 400 meters (1:26) 1:30 rest, 800 meters (3:05) 1:30 rest, 1200 meters (4:45) 1:30 rest, 800 meters (3:07) 1:30 rest, 400 meters (1:26), 1:30 rest, 200 meters (:38) :45 second rest, 200 meter (:38) :45 rest, 1 mile cool down
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It came!
Yesterday I ran with my new running friend...the Garmin Forerunner 305! It was awesome! I told Bryant that it's either going to make me super fast or kill me because I am constantly looking down at it to make sure I'm on pace. My run yesterday nearly killed me! Plus, I ran at 5:00 pm and it was WAY too hot for me! Let's hope that this thing helps me run the fastest I have run in years!
6.3 miles, 43:50, Average 7:15 miles
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Yesterday's Run
I pulled my butt out of bed at 6:00 am and ran. GO ME!
4.6 miles, 32:15, Average 7:00 miles
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Rain, Rain..
..don't go away! I love running in the rain. I guess it makes me feel tough. Tough. I like getting home and jumping in a warm shower too.
6.8 miles, 48:05, Average 7:04 miles
Friday, June 12, 2009

Morning: 3 miles easy, Average 7:30 pace
Evening: 1 mile warm up, 11x400 meters 1:25 (1:25 rest), 800 meter cool down
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Typing with one hand
I have mastered the art of typing with one hand. I am holding my little girl and typing...slowly. This has nothing to do with running. Todays run was great. I went to the track again and felt awesome. The Murray 5K is in one month and and I really want to run under 20:00.
1 mile warm up, 1 mile 6:19 (3:30 rest), 2X800 3:00 (2:30 rest), 2X400 1:25 (1:25 rest), 1 mile cool down
Monday, June 1, 2009
Woke up this morning to go for a run...found out my husband's truck had been broken into. Glass everywhere. STUPID THIEVES! I ran with a lot of anger today!
4 Miles, 28:20, Average 7:03 miles
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I did it! I did it!
I finally broke the 10 mile mark since having my kiddos! Today was great! I love getting to the point where you feel like you could run forever! Thanks body...you rock!
10.1 miles, 1 hr. 15 min., Average 7:26 miles
Friday, May 29, 2009
We meet again...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
New songs=A good run
Yes, I am an iPod runner. I love to listen to music as I go. I downloaded some new songs the other day and todays run was awesome as I got a little extra "jump" in my step from the new tunes. Thanks iPod. :)
3.3 miles, 23:20, Average 7:00 miles
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I love running in the late evening in the Summer. Beautiful...
6.3 miles, 45:28, Average 7:10 miles
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Go Lady!

Today I was tired. Really tired. But I somehow found the strength to tie my running shoes and motivate myself to run to Murray Park and do a speed workout. I try to do a speed workout once a week so my legs don't feel sluggish. Anyhoo, as I was running at the park, there were a group of school children playing outside for recess and since the school borders the park's paved trail, they were all right there to see me run. As I was going by them several times (I did 3x1000 meter repeats) they started cheering me on saying, "Go Lady!" It was just the motivated I needed. Thanks kids!
Warm up 2.3 miles, 7:24 pace; 3x1000 meter repeats, 6:40 pace; Cool down 2.3 miles, 7:50 pace
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Thank Goodness
We just got the results from Bryant's tests: NOT A TUMOR! Thank goodness. He has what is called a cholesterol granuloma. It's like a pocket of fluid that has grown in the area right below his right ear. We haven't heard directly from our neurologist but from what I've read, it's a fairly easy surgery to remove it. I am so relieved.
4.1 miles, 28:10, Average 6:58 miles
Monday, May 18, 2009
Decisions, Decisions...

This year something amazing happened. Bryant decided to start running and he LOVES it! I am super excited to be able to run with my husband! Well, for the past month or so he hasn't run a step. He was diagnosed with Horner's Syndrome. Horner's (sometimes he tries to be funny and calls it "Horny" syndrome) is a syndrome that occurs when something else is going wrong in the body. When he works out, half of his face doesn't get red or sweat. He gets blurry vision as well and his pupil doesn't dilate. So the main causes for Horner's is nerve damage, tumor or lung cancer. We've ruled out lung cancer (thank goodness) but on his MRI of his neck and brain we found a 5 mm lesion that we had to get more tests on. We'll find out today what it is. It's been really stressful and sad. Bryant has been frustrated to no end because he hasn't been able to run. We signed up for the St. George Marathon but we didn't get in. I was really upset at first but I think it's a blessing in disguise because he wouldn't be able to run it anyway. So we've been on hold on what we want to accomplish this summer with our running goals. I was thinking about doing the Provo Trail 1/2 marathon in August but like I said, we can't really set any goals until we know what's going on with Bryant. I saw a guy at the grocery store who was wearing a Provo Trail 1/2 marathon shirt and I asked him if he liked the race and he said he did. Brusch, didn't you run it? How was it?
This whole thing with Bryant has really put life in prospective for me. Life really is a gift. Health really is a gift. My husband really is a gift. I hope and pray that we get good news today. I think running helps put my mind in order. Amidst all of this, I still want to run. When I do, I feel better...my mind is clearer...life seems easier.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Gosh, I love running

It's morning. It's cool. It's awesome. My legs feel a little tired but overall, I am feeling good. Gosh, I love running. I love running in Utah. I love having a majestic backdrop of the Rocky Mountains to entertain my mind as my body entertains it's self. I pass 5 runners...all women. Gosh, I love running. Today's run takes me through suburban streets, a grassy park, along the Holladay trail, over bridges, the Cotton Bottom, home.
8.1 miles, 1 hr. 00 min. 04 seconds, Average 7:24 miles
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