Thursday, August 19, 2010


I have been the biggest slacker when it comes to this running blog. I'm sorry. I have been running and I've been loving it! I am not worried about racing, training hard, my pace or mileage...and I've never enjoyed it more!

Over the past few weeks, I've been running early in the morning where I am lucky enough to be out on the road with my fellow "crazies". It inspires me to see other people up that early who want to be healthy and who want to be outside. I especially love all the old people who are walking their dogs or walking with their friends. It makes me happy.

I ran for an hour and a half last weekend and felt fantastic. I was totally in a groove and didn't want to stop.

I've been able to run with my brother and some friends as well and that makes running a lot more fun. I'm totally a group runner...I miss the good old days in college where I never ran alone. I like talking. I like sharing that experience with someone else (besides my iPod which seems to be the only running partner I have these days!)

So here's to you running...I heart thee!

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