Thursday, August 19, 2010


I have been the biggest slacker when it comes to this running blog. I'm sorry. I have been running and I've been loving it! I am not worried about racing, training hard, my pace or mileage...and I've never enjoyed it more!

Over the past few weeks, I've been running early in the morning where I am lucky enough to be out on the road with my fellow "crazies". It inspires me to see other people up that early who want to be healthy and who want to be outside. I especially love all the old people who are walking their dogs or walking with their friends. It makes me happy.

I ran for an hour and a half last weekend and felt fantastic. I was totally in a groove and didn't want to stop.

I've been able to run with my brother and some friends as well and that makes running a lot more fun. I'm totally a group runner...I miss the good old days in college where I never ran alone. I like talking. I like sharing that experience with someone else (besides my iPod which seems to be the only running partner I have these days!)

So here's to you running...I heart thee!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ode to the track...

Dear track:
Thanks for kicking my butt today. I hated and loved every minute of it.

1 mile warm up; 6x800 meters (3:00-3:04 pace with two minutes rest), 2x400 meters (1:26 pace with one minute rest in between), 1 mile cool down

My legs were still tired from the Wasatch Back race but I know they'll feel better after today...kickin some lactic acid baby!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wasatch Back 2010

I was lucky enough to run the Wasatch Back relay race this past weekend. It is a 190 mile race from Logan, UT to Park City, UT. You run as a team of 12 people (6 people in two vans). You run there is always someone running (even at 3:00 in the morning). It was the funnest race I've ever done. I LOVED IT! I was runner #9 in Van 2...(if that means anything to anyone!) My leg distances and times were: 3.5 miles (22 minutes), 9.6 miles (68 minutes), and 3.6 miles STRAIGHT UP gain 1,463 feet (38 minutes).

I made a blog for our team, so here is the link if you want to check out our pictures.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here we go...

This week is the's time for the Wasatch Back! I'm super excited to be running with some awesome peps! I am runner #9 which means I have one of the hardest legs of the race! Not to mention a 9.6 mile leg that will be run in the early hours of the morning. But I can totally do it. I'm stoked! I also get a nice 24 hour vacation from the kids...ha ha! Thanks to my sweet husband for making this race possible.

Ok Ragnar...BRING IT!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

This one is for Gussy...

I am a slacker when it comes to this running blog. Sorry is some inspiration for those of you who do read (Gus! :)

This week was a good week of running! I hit 31 miles and was able to work on hills, speed and a 2 a day. Here's what I did:

Monday: 10.2 miles up by Cottonwood Canyon, Average 7:35 pace
Tuesday: 4 miles with Brusch! Average 8:00 pace
Wednesday: REST
Thursday: Morning, 4.5 miles fartlik, Average 7:00 pace
Afternoon, 4 miles, Average 8:00 pace (with stroller!)
Friday: REST
Saturday: 8.3 miles with hills, Average 7:20 pace

On another note, I've been reading Born to Run and I love it! It is really opening my eyes to how running should be. I am going to start doing some barefoot running at the park...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Why am I so tired!!!!

Ok, I'm frustrated. I have been super tired lately...especially this week. I guess I still haven't fully recovered from my 8 miler last week. I think I pushed it too hard. Then, I did a super fast track workout this week and a hard hilly 6.5 miles today. I guess I need to freakin slow down or rest!

I'm just way too competitive with myself...LOL! On a happy note, I get to run with "China" tomorrow! Yippee!!!

Wednesday: 1 mile warm up, 6X800 meters (between 3:00 and 3:04 pace) 2 minute rest, 1 mile cool down
Friday: 6.5 miles UPHILL for 3.1 miles then steep downhill for 3.4 (Average 7:20 mile pace)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anger makes me run faster!

So I went to the track today and there was a group of high school students (girls) who were doing the wronchest (spelling? Is that even a word?) dancing! They were listening to some music being played over the stadium's PA. I started thinking about how that must look to the boys...then I started to think about my sweet little girl. I PRAY that she never feels like she needs to be slutty to be awesome...she is awesome just being sweet.

Needless to say I had some emotions building inside of me. So I channeled that emotion into my running and had a great workout! Thanks slutty girls! LOL!

1 mile warm up, 1x1600 (6:10), 1x1000 (4:30), 1x800 (3:00), 2x400 (1:24) 1.25 mile cool down

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SO many good memories...

If you know know Murray Park. If you know Murray know that this is a picture looking at the big soccer field. If you know where this is...and you ran for Murray High School Cross Country... you know that the paved trail around the field is a little over 1/2 mile (.61 to be exact...thanks to my Garmin watch). This is where I was for my workout yesterday in 25 mph winds!!! It was crazy but I loved it!

3x(.61) mile repeats, 3:41 (about 6:00 mile pace), then I did 2x400 meters, 1:30 each (6:00 mile pace)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back to the...


10x400 meters, 1:25 pace, 1:00 minute rest.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A great day for a run

I love Saturday's. I do my long runs on Saturday's. I like long runs.

8.3 miles, Average 7:20 pace, 1:01 minutes

Monday, February 8, 2010

The "Oops Mile"

The "Oops Mile"... or at least that's what I call it. It happens when you are running a long run and one of your miles is way too fast. For example: On Saturday I was running a 10K and my goal was to stay around 7:20-7:30 pace. Well, right around mile 2, I came across another runner who was running a pretty good pace. Well, I couldn't let him pass me so of course I picked up my pace to get ahead of him and stay ahead of him. So of course that mile was too 6:30 too fast! Hence, the "Oops Mile" that made the other 4 miles HELL...

The "Oops Mile" happens all the time to me. I need to remember that I don't need to kill myself one mile and suffer the rest. Slow and steady wins the race right?!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finally, I feel good

Maybe it's the cold weather...maybe it's the bad air...maybe it's been all in my head...but running lately has been hard. But today, the sun was shinning and I finally felt really good! I was able to run 7.5 miles and average 7:10 pace. No ice, no snow and new shoes might have done the trick.

Is it Spring yet? Seriously...I'm itching for a good sports bra run!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Boo-yah Grandma!

I posted a couple posts ago that I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving and I took second but I thought I took first....Well, I DID!!! Boo-yah Grandma! What happened was there was a timing chip mistake and a husband and wife who ran together had their times mixed up (so the wife's name came up on the results under her husband's time which was 45 seconds faster than me). Mystery solved my friends! Here is a picture of the cool trophy I got for the overall female.

Also, I got a brand new double jogging stroller from Kelty this weekend! My old stroller broke in a couple places and they paid to ship the stroller back to them and then they sent out a brand new 2010 one! I LOVE IT! So I got a $500 dollar stroller for.....FREE! Boo-yah Grandma!